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Belaria is the artist making waves on the French electronic music scene, known for her captivating performances and eclectic musical choices. As a member of the Friendsome collective, and having launched her own label Binding System, she also held a 2 years residency at the renowned Badaboum club in Paris and on Rinse France radio. Over the past few years, Belaria has established herself as one of the most promising and intriguing figures among the new generation of electronic artists. Her musical universe is deeply rooted in the sounds of the post-punk movement from the 80s and 90s, with strong influences from EBM, Synth Wave, Italo Body Music, New Wave, and Techno. This rich palette allows her to create sets that are both raw and atmospheric, infused with a unique energy. Over the past three years, she has also shared the decks during b2bs with Boys Noize, Pedro Winter, Laurent Garnier, Audrey Danza, Kendal, Dylan Dylan or with Djedjotronic.Her growing reputation has taken her to the stages of internationally renowned festivals such as the Dour Festival (BE), Positive Education (FR), Piknic Electronik (CA), Listen Festival (BE) and Paléo Festival (CH). A resident on Rinse France radio, Belaria has also been invited to perform on prestigious radio stations such as The Lot Radio (NYC), Kiosk Radio (Brussels), Circoloco (Ibiza) and more recently on Operator Radio (Rotterdam).
RainboWarriors, Vol. 1 · 2024
Triangular Dance (Belaria Remix) Belaria Remix
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Harga diatas berlaku pada 6 Desember 2022. Perlu kamu ketahui bahwa harga saham berubah setiap harinya, sehingga harga 1 lotnya juga akan ikut berubah.
Berdasarkan harga per lembar di atas, maka perhitungan 1 lot saham Unilever yaitu : 4.470 x 100 lembar = Rp 447.000.
Jika kamu ingin membeli 2 lot, dikalikan 200, 3 lot dikalikan 300, dan seterusnya.
Profil PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk - UNVR
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam pembuatan, pemasaran dan distribusi fast moving consumer goods (FMCG).
Kegiatan bisnis utama perusahaan terbagi ke dalam dua segmen operasi: kebutuhan rumah tangga dan perawatan tubuh yang meliputi produk kosmetik, dan juga produk-produk pembersih rumah tangga dan tubuh seperti deterjen, sabun, sampo, obat gigi, deodoran, dan makanan dan minuman, yang meliputi produk-produk makanan dan minuman, seperti es krim, kantong teh, kecap, minuman sari buah, bumbu-bumbu masak dan margarin.
Sebagian dari merek utama untuk produk kebutuhan rumah tangga dan perawatan tubuh adalah Rinso, Lifebuoy, Clear, Pepsodent, Rexona dan Pond's, Lux, Vaseline, Sunlight, dan lainnya; merek utama untuk produk makanan dan minuman adalah Wall's, SariWangi, Bango, Buavita, Royco, Magnum, Paddle Pop, Feast, dan lain-lain.
Berdasarkan laporan keuangan yang diterbitkan, UNVR mencetak laba bersih sebesar Rp 5,7 T dari total pendapatan Rp 39,5 T pada tahun 2021. Unilever adalah salah satu dari sedikit emiten yang rutin membagikan dividen 2 kali dalam setahun.